Roller Door
Roller doors are made from steel or aluminium and are known for being durable and space savers. They consist of a continuous curtain of corrugated steel that rolls up into a drum. They are limited in colours and styles. The motor is on the side of the door. Roller doors are usually cheaper to purchase than sectional doors.
If the spring breaks on a roller door, then the entire door will need to be replaced, but this also isn't as frequent an issue as with sectional doors. A roller door needs at least 250mm head room for the installation.

Sectional Door
Sectional garage doors are hinged panel type doors that track back along the ceiling of the garage. They are made from different materials, mostly colorbond and are more complex in design than roller doors. The motor is generally in the middle of the door but there are options to have a motor on the side.
Sectional doors are very customisable and are more visually appealing. There are also many additional options available like windows, extra wind bracing and different profiles. This can dramatically change the look of your house and up your street appeal.
The amount of head room needed for a sectional door can vary from 150mm to 300mm and newer designs make it make it more viable to have a lower head room option as well.

The cost of a sectional door is more expensive than a roller door, however, the parts are more interchangeable. If a spring snaps, then replacing this is a simple process.
With a roller door if the springs break then the entire door will need to be replaced.
Whilst both types of doors don’t take up large amounts of space, their differences in mounting positions can impact a lot. Roller doors can either be mounted on the wall or ceiling, whereas sectional doors are mounted on the ceiling or roof. If your garage is fairly large, a sectional door will fit right in.
With either a sectional or a roller door, you need to maintain them and have them serviced regularly, we recommend having them serviced every 12 months.
If you're reading this thinking, oh wow, it's been a lot longer than twelve months since my door has received a little TLC, contact the team at @garagerollerdoorservices to keep your door in pristine condition.